Where we come from.
Microwave Photonics (MWP) GmbH is a high-tech start-up from University Duisburg-Essen. Our aim is to develop technologies for connecting the fiber-optic and wireless worlds.
Who we are. What we do.
We are developing integrated microwave photonic solutions for applications in RF and medical. Our technological solutions are based upon photonic integrated chips (PICs) for RF and medical applications in the microwave (3-30 GHz), millimeter-wave (30-300 GHz) and THz (0.3-3 THz) region.
Where we are located.
Microwave Photonics (MWP) GmbH is located within the technology center TZU in Oberhausen, next to Centro Oberhausen.
For driving directions use the following address:
Essener Str. 5
46047 Oberhausen
Contact us.
Interested in Microwave Photonics technologies or need support in Micorwave Photonics engineering.